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Now that you’ve jumped on board to the social marketing train, it’s important to be aware of the current trends and common mistakes.

Make yourself and your brand stand-out from the crowd and be respectful and attentive to your audience.

Believe it or not, there is a courting time, and you need to use that time wisely, in order to build trust and a following.

Here are a few marketing mistakes that you’ll want to avoid:


Ignoring social media

Either by not having a page or having a page and rarely posting anything. It’s important to be present on social media and stay engaged with your audience. If you’re slacking in posting, it looks like you and your business aren’t on top of things, which is most likely, farthest from the truth.

Stretching yourself too thin

Having too many social channels, and not being able to keep up with them or posting duplicate information in an effort to save time. This may also include, maintaining a website, blog and newsletter. While all of those things are important, your audience can tell when you’re being lazy or too busy, and not putting a conscious effort toward any or all these things. It would be better to phase in elements over a period of time so that you have time to create a logical strategy and keep organized with your communications and offer helpful information to your clients.

No plan for a ‘rainy day’

Don’t base your marketing efforts on today’s business. What I mean by that is, don’t rest on your laurels and  slack on your social marketing efforts, when your business is going strong and you’re really busy. There’s always a lull or down time in every business. Stay ahead of the game by staying current and always engaging with your audience. You can hire people part-time to help you out, if need be. The goal is to keep your business in front of audience so that you’re not forgotten. If you have more business than you can handle, it’s the best time to ramp up your efforts to prepare for the slow time

No strategy

Having to continentally re-invent the wheel and trying  to figure out what to post, is a huge waste of time. When this happens, your messaging is all over the place and can completely confuse your audience. Develop a strategy based on your business plan, mission, vision and values and you’ll be on top of your game in no time.

You can avoid these mistakes by keeping this simple fact in mind; your audience needs attention and does not like to be ignored. If you are not engaging, they will simply move on.

Can you think of any mistakes or mishaps that I haven’t covered?

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