The ‘Why’ of Social Marketing!

The main reason to ‘jump on board’ with social media marketing, is that it allows you to build your brand and your audience by being able to engage with a group (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and etc.) and in a more personal level, email (i.e., MailChimp, Constant Contact and etc.), like you’re reading right now.

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Check Your Facebook Blood Type

Since Facebook is the blood line of most small business marketing strategies, by choosing your Facebook “blood type” you can become a positive presence while branding your business – you can be A Positive, while dealing with the B Negatives so you can C Growth in your Business!

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Fraud Alert: Don’t Get Duped!

Recently, several clients have reported that they received a call from someone offering to improve their Search Engine Optimization (SEO) by registering their websites with various search engines and entering the ‘magical’ key words and cleaning-up or fixing negative comments or incorrect information throughout the world wide web, for a nominal fee of $200-$300.

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