by Marcia L. | Aug 6, 2014 | blog, Dental, Email Marketing, scheduling, Social Media |
It’s that time again. Parents are clamoring to get their kids in to get their check-ups before school starts. Did you know that you have the power to take control of your dental schedule? Gone are the days of trying to squeeze in a patient where there isn’t even an opening. You no longer have to make your hygienist and the rest of the staff crazy right before school starts and then there’s a lull until December when patients want to get in before their benefits run out.
I’m sure you’ve heard this pitch before, but it’s true. With a little preparation and a little social marketing, you can gain control of your schedule and your production. Which in turn leads to being able to manage your expenses. Wouldn’t you like to take that next vacation without worrying about overhead?
Here’s what you can do…
by Marcia L. | Jun 12, 2014 | Inspiration |
You have a passion, a dream, you are determined and you acted upon it. Even though you knew it would be tough and the future was unknown, you embrace challenges and deep down inside, you know that most anything is possible.
You may not be the greatest or that well known, but you have a passion and you like to learn. You want to help people. That’s what strikes your flame, when you help people and teach them something they didn’t know.
You need to get started. You’ve planned and planned and then planned some more. It’s time to move. You need to start somewhere and sometime. That time is now. The more you do it, the better you’ll get, and the more ideas you’ll have; the more people you can help.
by Marcia L. | May 29, 2014 | Brand, Platform |
You only get one chance to make a first impression!
The word exclude seems harsh and the definition is even more harsh: to reject or not consider; leave out. Do you remember how you felt the last time you were excluded from something? Maybe hurt, offended, crushed or perhaps invisible.
There are maybe a few legitimate reasons to exclude someone/something:
- Children who are not quite tall enough for a ride
- Family and/or friends of a contest/event creator
- Exams and tests, which are specific
- Projects, where you have to work within a specific scope
by Marcia L. | May 23, 2014 | Facebook, Google+, Linkedin, Platform, Social Media, Twitter, Website |
Has your social media been left undone?
I’m sure you’ve been there. You’ve read an awesome blog post or social media post and you’d like to learn more about the person and maybe sign up for their newsletter. Lo and behold, there’s no reference to their website or other social media channel, thus starts a Google search, which can take you several minutes and then you realize it’s not worth your time and so you move on. Not good. You don’t want this to happen to you or your brand and miss out on that potential client or customer.
by Marcia L. | Apr 19, 2014 | SEO, Website |
Fraud Alert: Don’t Get Duped!
Recently, several clients have reported that they received a call from someone offering to improve their Search Engine Optimization (SEO) by registering their websites with various search engines and entering the ‘magical’ keywords and cleaning up or fixing negative comments or incorrect information throughout the world wide web, for a nominal fee of $200-$300. When they’re done, their content and reputation will be shiny and new, not to mention, their website ratings will be out of this world and bumped up to the top of each and every search engine.
Unfortunately, most negative comments and/or incorrect information on the web cannot be removed that easily. It takes an experienced SEO expert, hours to clean up this type of information, which can cost you thousands of dollars. Even if they’re able to clean up the information and you do not have your own social platform, it will hardly do you any good.
As for registering your web domain, you can do that yourself {free}, or you can have your web designer register it for you {the charge may already be included in the web design/development}.
If you manage your own WordPress blog, you may want to consider installing an SEO plugin like WordPress SEO by Yoast. It’s simple to use and is very helpful in guiding you in adding keywords, excerpt, title, and meta description. You may want to also sign up for his blog and keep yourself in the SEO information loop.
Buyer beware, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is!
On another front…
You may have also heard about an alert sent out by the Federal Government announcing that ISIS has been hacking into WordPress websites through outdated plugins. In an effort to protect yourself be sure to keep all of your plugins updated and if you’re not using an installed plugin, go ahead and delete it. While you’re at it, you may want to go ahead and change your password.
Try not to get frustrated with all the happenings and goings on in the social marketing industry. That’s why there are professionals trained to help you and take care of your social marketing needs. It’s important to find someone you can trust. Meet with them first for a short consultation. Trust me, they do not want to work with anyone that they don’t feel comfortable with either.
Fraud and hacking are a real problem. The best way to protect yourself is to stay informed and if your run across something or someone that is questionable, either check with someone else or move on. You can never go wrong with going with your gut instinct.
Have you been a victim of fraud or with being hacked? How did you handle it? Were there warning signs?